Blogging both here and at
The Podagogue has been a bit light this week, mainly on account of my having launched into writing my third novel. The first few chapters are surging around in my head, so I must get them down before either I go mad or they morph into something too warped and untouchable even for me to lock down in words.
However, for a moment I shall hide in the safety of foody goodness.
It's been a while since I
last posted about lamb. I am a big fan of lamb, as you are all well aware.
Therefore, I'll keep this brief. Think of it as more of an indulgence than an education.
Lamb chops, herbs, freshly ground pepper and salt, fresh chopped garlic, olive oil.

Fry until lovely and brown over a high heat.

Grate with Parmesan cheese and grill (broil, my lovely North American readers).
Stick with me. A blog post of some substance will be forthcoming, I promise. In the meantime, imagine the smell of cooking lamb chops. That should fix what ails ye.
I love how I got singled out, but really didn't feel like it was persecutory....
We North Americans have the craziest words for stuff.
Hi Wanisan
Just so you don't feel lonely, there are others in North America who read this blogspot too. As well as some from there who now live down under but still use strange words!
And some from down there who live up here, and have to translate every now and again. "Grill it" I say. "What?" they ask. "Oh, um, hmm, broil, yes, I meant broil it" I respond.... You get the picture.
But that looks awesome, Dan. I have to stop reading your blog before breakfast, especially when I read a whole month at a time. It makes my Rice Bubbles seem really boring. Or Crispy Rice to my North American co-readers.
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